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경은: 안녕하세요. Talk To Me In Korean의 이야기입니다.

Kyeong-eun: Hello. This is Talk to Me in Korean's Iyagi.

석진: 안녕하세요. 진석진입니다.

Seokjin: Hello. This is Seokjin Jin.

경은: 안녕하세요. 최경은입니다.

Kyeong-eun: Hello. This is Kyeong-eun Choi.

석진: 안녕하세요. 여러분.

Seokjin: Hello, everyone.

경은: 안녕하세요. 여러분.

Kyeong-eun: Hello, everybody.

석진: 누나!

Seokjin: Kyeong-eun!

경은: 네.

Kyeong-eun: Yes?

석진: 불량식품 많이 먹어 보셨어요?

Seokjin: Have you eaten a lot of junk food?

경은: 어렸을 때 불량식품 진짜 많이 먹었어요. 석진 씨는요?

Kyeong-eun: When I was young I really ate a lot of junk food. How about you?

석진: 많이 먹었어요.

Seokjin: I ate a lot.

경은: 불량식품이라고 하면 어떤 거를 말하는 거죠?

Kyeong-eun: When we say “junk food,” what are we talking about again?

석진: 음... 주로 학교 근처의 문방구에서 파는 식품인데요. 잘 알려지진 않은 식품인데, 특이한 식품.

Seokjin: Um... Mainly it's food that you buy at the school supplies store near the school. It's food that's not well known, but unusual.

경은: 맞아요. 그리고 건강에 안 좋은 음식들이 많죠.

Kyeong-eun: That's right. And there are a lot of foods that aren't good for your health, too, of course.

석진: 네, 네. 아주 특이하고, 몸에 안 좋아요.

Seokjin: Yes, yes. It's rather unusual, and bad for your body.

경은: 네. 주로 설탕이 굉장히 많이 들어가 있다든가. 뭐 몸에 안 좋은 것들? 사실 매일매일 먹으면 굉장히 안 좋을 것들을 말해요.

Kyeong-eun: Yeah. Mainly, it contains a whole lot of sugar, or... What— things that aren't good for you? Actually, we're talking about things that extremely bad if you eat them every single day.

석진: 매일매일! 저는 못 먹을 것 같아요.

Seokjin: Every single day! I think I couldn't eat them.

경은: 근데 사실 어렸을 때? 유치원에 다니거나 초등학교에 다닐 때는 그런 음식들이 너무 맛있게 느껴졌었어요.

Kyeong-eun: But actually, when you were young? When you were in kindergarten, or elementary school, those kinds of foods seemed so delicious.

석진: 맞아요. 맞아요.

Seokjin: That's right. That's right.

경은: 그쵸? (네) 제일 대표적인 걸로 뽑기가 있죠.

Kyeong-eun: Right? (Yeah.) The most representative one is bbopgi, of course.

석진: 뽑기! (네) 설탕을 녹여서 (네) 만든 거죠.

Seokjin: Bbopgi! (Yeah.) You make it by melting sugar, of course. (Yeah.)

경은: 네, 맞아요. 그거는 그냥 설탕 덩어리예요.

Kyeong-eun: Yeah, that's right. It's just a lump of sugar.

석진: 맞아요. 딴 거 절대 안 들어가고요. 설탕만 들어가요.

Seokjin: That's right. And it contains absolutely nothing else. Just sugar.

경은: 네, 설탕만 녹여서 그걸 먹는다고 생각하면 돼요.

Kyeong-eun: Yeah, you can think you're just eating what you get when you've melted sugar.

석진: 네, 네. 그런데 대게 만들기 쉬워서 집에서도 만들 수 있어요.

Seokjin: Yeah, yeah. But you can even make it at home because it's so easy to make.

경은: 네, 맞아요. 어렸을 때 밖에 나가면, 500원? 100원?

Kyeong-eun: Yeah, that's right. If we went out when we were young, 500 won? 100 won?

석진: 100원 했었어요.

Seokjin: It was 100 won.

경은: 맞아요. 100원만 내면 그렇게 설탕을 녹여서 직접 해서 먹을 수가 있는 거잖아요. (네, 네) 국자가 있어요. 그래서 그 국자를 나눠주면 그 국자에다가 설탕을 넣고 그걸 녹여서 먹는 거예요. 근데 그렇게 100원만 내면 친구들이랑 같이 재미있게 그런 뽑기 하는 거를 경험해 볼 수 있는 거잖아요. (네, 맞아요) 그리고 또 그거를 잘 맞추면 또 하나를 공짜로 더 줘요.

Kyeong-eun: That's right. If you just pay 100 won, it's something you can eat directly after they melt the sugar, isn't it? (Yeah, yeah.) They have a spoon. So when they let you use the spoon, put sugar in it and melt it and eat it. But if you just pay 100 won like that, you can have the fun experience of making that bbopgi with your friends, can't you? (Yeah, that's right.) And also, if you fit it well, they give you another one for free.

석진: 저희 고향에는 잘 맞춘다는 게 없었어요.

Seokjin: In my hometown, we didn't have that.

경은: 아, 그래요?

Kyeong-eun: Oh, yeah?

석진: 원래 그 뽑기에다가 별 모양을 (네) 찍어주고 (맞아요) 그 별 모양 빼고 나머지 부분을 깨끗하게 먹었을 때 (네) 하나 더 주잖아요. (네) 그런데 저희 동네에는 그런 게 없었어요.

Seokjin: Normally they take the bbopgi and stamp it (Yeah.) into a star shape. (That's right.) You take out the star shape and when you ate the remaining part clean, (Yeah.) they give you one more, don't they? (Yeah.) But we didn't have that sort of thing in our neighborhood.

경은: 그래요? 그러면요?

Kyeong-eun: Yeah? So what did they have?

석진: 아무것도 없었어요. 그냥

Seokjin: Nothing. Just

경은: 그냥 먹었어요?

Kyeong-eun: You just ate it?

석진: 네, 그냥 먹었어요.

Seokjin: Yeah, we just ate it.

경은: 서울에는 그냥 먹는 곳도 있고, 그렇게 별 모양이나 여러 가지 모양을 낸 뽑기를 모양 그대로 맞추면 하나를 더 먹을 수 있었어요. 그래서 그 재미에 열심히 했었고요. 또 그리고 나서 집에서도 또 먹고 싶은 거예요. 그래서 집에 있는 국자를 가지고 가스레인지에다 가 올려놓고 (아이구!) 설탕을 녹여서 먹다가 국자를 다 태워먹은 거예요. 그래서 엄마한테 맨날 혼났었죠.

Kyeong-eun: In Seoul there are places where you just eat it, and you could eat one more if the bbopgi you put in the star mold, or the various shapes, fit the shape. So we enthusiastically enjoyed ourselves doing that. Also, later you want to eat it at home, too. So I took a spoon at home and put it over the stove (Oh no!) and having melted the sugar, while eating it I burned up the spoon. So my mom scolded me every day, of course.

석진: 네, 맞아요. 정말 몰래 만들었었어요.

Seokjin: Yeah, that's right. We made it really secretly.

경은: 네. 그래서 그런 불량식품 하면, 사실 “몸에 안 좋은 음식이다.”, “몸에 안 좋은 간식이다.”라는것도 있지만 그런 추억들? (맞아요) 추억들이 함께 따라오는 것 같아요.

Kyeong-eun: Yeah. So when we talk about that junk food, we say it's food that's bad for you, or it's an unhealthy snack, but there are also those memories? (That's right.) I guess those memories come with it.

석진: 아까 전에 제가 블로그를 보다가 옛날에 먹었던 불량식품에 대한 그런 포스트가 있는 거예요. 그래서 옛날에 봤던 불량식품들을 한 10가지를 봤는데, 옛날 생각이 너무 많이 나더라고요.

Seokjin: Just before as I was reading a blog, there was a post about the junk food we used to eat. So I saw about 10 kinds of the junk food we used to see, and I remember so many things about the past.

경은: 맞아요. 진짜 그런 것 같아요.

Kyeong-eun: That's right. It's really like that, I think.

석진: 대게 특이했던 게, 그 때는 테이프? 스카치테이프 같이 생겼는데 먹는 테이프였어요.

Seokjin: Something that's really strange... at that time, the tape? It looked like scotch tape, but it was tape you ate.

경은: 그것도 사실 설탕 덩어리죠.

Kyeong-eun: That, too, actually, was just a lump of sugar, of course.

석진: 네, 맞아요.

Seokjin: Yeah, that's right.

경은: 음. 맞아요.

Kyeong-eun: Mm. That's right.

석진: 맛도 별로 없어요.

Seokjin: It wasn't particularly good, either.

경은: 근데 그렇게 신기해서 (네, 네) 먹었던 것 같아요. 그쵸?

Kyeong-eun: But because it was amazing like that, (Yeah, yeah.) we ate it, I think. Right?

석진: 맞아요. 그런데 저는 외국에도 이런 불량 식품이 있는 지 정말 궁금해요.

Seokjin: That's right. But I'm really curious if there are these kinds of junk foods in foreign countries as well.

경은: 네, 저도 궁금해요. 외국에도 그렇게 몸에 안 좋지만 계속 먹게 되는 그런 간식 같은 게 있는지 참 궁금한데요. 여러분 코멘트 남겨주시고요. 여러분들 혹시 불량식품에 대한 추억이 있는지 그런 것도 저희한테 이야기 해주세요. 네, 그럼 여러분 이야기 들어주셔서 감사합니다.

Kyeong-eun: Yeah, me too. I'm super curious whether or not in other countries, too, there are those snacky things you always end up eating, but that aren't really good for you. Please leave a comment everyone. Please tell us, too, if you have by chance you have any memories about junk food. Yes, thank you for listening to our story, everyone.

석진: 여러분 안녕히 계세요.

Seokjin: Have a nice day, everyone.

경은: 안녕히 계세요.

Kyeong-eun: Have a nice day.