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In Level 4 Lesson 28, we introduced the verb ending -아/어/여지다 and how it is used to express “to become + adjective”. Examples: 예쁘다 = to be pretty 예뻐지다 = to become pretty 조용하다 = to be silent 조용해지다 = to become silent But some adjective words (or descriptive verb) are so commonly used in this -아/어/여지다 form that they are almost considered as independent verbs and have a single-word translation in English as well.

  1. 1

달라지다 다르다 = to be different 다르 → 달라 + -아지다 = 달라지다 = to change, to become different Sample Sentences 여기 많이 달라졌어요. = This place has changed a lot. 뭔가 달라진 것 같아요. = I feel like something has changed.

  1. 2

좋아지다 좋다 = to be good, to be likeable 좋 → 좋 + -아지다 = 좋아지다 = to get better, to improve, to be enhanced, to start to like Sample Sentences 이 가수가 좋아졌어요. = I started to like this singer. = I like this singer now. 노래 실력이 좋아졌어요. = My singing skills have improved.

  1. 3

많아지다 [ma-na-ji-da] 많다 [man-ta] = to be a lot, to be abundant 많 → 많 + -아지다 = 많아지다 = to increase Sample Sentences 한국으로 여행 오는 사람들이 많아졌어요. = The (number of) people who come to Korea for traveling have increased. 학생이 많아졌어요. = The students have increase.

  1. 4

없어지다 없다 = to be not there, to not exist, to not have 없 → 없 + -어지다 = 없어지다 = to disappear Sample Sentences 제 핸드폰이 없어졌어요. = My cellphone has disappeared. 아까 여기 있었는데 없어졌어요. = It was here earlier but it disappeared.