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Revision as of 19:38, 2 November 2017

Word Builder lessons are designed to help you understand how to expand your vocabulary by learning/understanding some common and basic building blocks of Korean words. The words and letters introduced through Word Builder lessons are not necessarily all Chinese characters, or 한자. Though many of them are based on Chinese characters, the meanings can be different from modern-day Chinese. Your goal, through these lessons, is to understand how words are formed and remember the keywords in Korean to expand your Korean vocabulary from there. You certainly don’t have to memorize the Hanja characters, but if you want to, feel free! Today’s keyword is 주. The Chinese character for this is 主. There are many other Chinese characters (or Hanja letters) that are used for 주, so keep in mind that not all the words that have 주 in them have related meanings. The word 주 (主) is related to “king”, “owner”, “main”, or “autonomous”. 주 (owner) + 인 (person) = 주인 主人 = owner 주 (main) + 인 (person) + 공 (fair) = 주인공 主人公 = main character 주 (main) + 요 (important) = 주요 主要 = major 주 (main) + 류 (flow) = 주류 主流 = mainstream 주 (main) + 력 (force, power) = 주력 主力 = main force 주 (main) + 동 (movement) + 자 (person) = 주동자 主動者 = prime mover, leader 주 (main) + 원 (source) + 인 (cause) = 주원인 主原因 = leading cause, main reason 주 (main) + 원 (source) + 료 (count) = 주원료 主原料 = main material 주 (owner) + 부 (wife) = 주부 主婦 = housewife, homemaker 주 (owner) + 장 (give) = 주장 主張 = opinion, insistence 주 (owner) + 도 (lead) + 권 (power, authority) = 주도권 主導權 = leadership, initiative 주 (owner) + 권 (power) = 주권 主權 = sovereignity 주 (main) + 특 (special) + 기 (skill) = 주특기 主特技 = specialty, special ability 주 (main) + 목 (eye) + 적 (target) = 주목적 主目的 = primary goal 주 (owner) + 관 (view) = 주관 主觀 = one’s own opinion 주 (owner) + 어 (language) = 주어 主語 = subject (grammar)