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In this series, we focus on how you can use the grammatical rules and expressions that you have previously learned to train yourself to comfortably make Korean sentences. We will start off with THREE key sentences and practice changing different parts of these sentences so that you don’t end up simply memorizing the same three sentences. We want you to be able to be as flexible as possible when making Korean sentences. -아/어/여 버리다 -고 말다 -(으)ㅁ Key Sentence #1 버스에서 내리다가 전화기를 떨어뜨려 버렸어요. = I accidentally dropped my phone while I was getting off the bus. Key Sentence #2 안 사려고 했는데, 50% 할인이라고 해서 사고 말았어요. = I was not going to buy it, but they said it was 50% off so I ended up buying it. Key Sentence #3 이 대학교의 학생임을 증명할 수 있는 서류를 지참해야 함. = You must carry a document that can prove that you are a student of this university.

Expansion & variation practice with key sentence #1

0. Original Sentence: 버스에서 내리다가 전화기를 떨어뜨려 버렸어요. = I accidentally dropped my phone while I was getting off the bus. 1. 버스에서 내리다가 = while I was getting off the bus / I was getting off the bus and... 길을 걷다가 = while I was walking / I was walking and... 책을 읽다가 = while I was reading a book / I was reading a book and… 창문을 열다가 = while I was opening the window / I was opening the window and... 2. 전화기를 떨어뜨려 버렸어요 = I accidentally dropped my phone. 전화기가 고장나 버렸어요. = My phone broke (and I’m not happy about it). 영화가 벌써 끝나 버렸어요. = The movie ended already (and I’m surprised and not happy about it). 효진 씨가 사람들한테 말해 버렸어요. = Hyojin told people (and she was not supposed to).

Expansion & variation practice with key sentence #2

0. Original Sentence: 안 사려고 했는데, 50% 할인이라고 해서 사고 말았어요. = I was not going to buy it, but they said it was 50% off so I ended up buying it. 1. 안 사려고 했는데 = I was not going to buy it but... 안 보려고 했는데 = I was not going to look at it but... 말 안 하려고 했는데 = I was not going to tell them but… 빨리 가려고 했는데 = I was going to be there early but... 2. 50% 할인이라고 해서 = they said it was 50% off so… 건강에 좋다고 해서 = they said it was good for health so… 오늘 할인이 끝난다고 해서 = they said the discount was ending today so… 이 영화가 재미있다고 해서 = they said this movie is good so… 3. 사고 말았어요 = I ended up buying it (I shouldn’t have) 들키고 말았어요 = I got busted (I didn’t want to) 먹고 말았어요 = I ended up eating it (I shouldn’t have) 늦고 말았어요 = I got there late (I shouldn’t have)

Expansion & variation practice with key sentence #3

0. Original Sentence: 이 대학교의 학생임을 증명할 수 있는 서류를 지참해야 함. = You must carry a document that can prove that you are a student of this university. 1. 이 대학교의 학생임 = (the fact that) you’re a student of this university 이 방법이 최선임 = (the fact that) this method is the best 업무를 완료했음 = (the fact that) you’ve completed a task 바깥에서 보이지 않음 = (the fact that) it’s not visible from outside 2. 서류를 지참해야 함 = you must bring a document 오전 9시까지 보내야 함 = you must send it by 9 AM 오늘과 내일은 가게 문을 닫음 = the store is closed today and tomorrow 100명이 참가했음 = 100 people attended