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Total Characters: 25

Meaning: Half Name of character: 반 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 半 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
  • 반 <> - a half
  • 반쪽 - a half
    • 사과 반 쪽 - a half of apple
  • 절반 <> - a half (exactly 50%)
  • 후반 <> - the latter half
    • 후반전 <> - the second half of the game
    • 하반기 < > - the second half of the year ↔ 상반기 <> - the first half of the year
  • 반바지 <--> - knee pants
  • 반투명 <> - translucency
  • 반경 <> / 반지름 - radius
    • 직경 <>/ 지름 - diameter
  • 반신반의(하다) <> - be (half) in doubt, be dubious
  • 반도 <> - peninsula
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Meaning: Opposition Name of character: 돌이킬 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 反 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
  • 반대(하다) <> - opposition, be opposed to
  • 반비례 <> - inverse proportion
    • 비례 <> - direct proportion
  • 반복(하다) <> - repeat
  • 반문(하다) <> - to ask in return
  • 반응(하다) <> - react, respond
  • 위반(하다) <> - violate
    • 속도 위반 - speeding violation
    • 주차 위반 - parking violation
  • 반성(하다) <> - reflect on oneself
  • 반사(하다) <> - reflect (light)
  • 반항(하다) <> - resistance, insubordination
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Meaning: Return Name of character: 돌이킬 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 返 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
  • 반납(하다) <> - give back (borrowed things)
    • 책을 반납하다 (library)
  • 반품(하다) <> - return goods (bought things)
  • 반송(하다) <> - send back (courier, postal parcel)
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Meaning: Name of character: 나눌 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 班 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
  • 반 <> - class.
    • "우리 반 친구" - my classroom friend.
    • 1반(일반), 2반(이반), 3반(삼반)…
      • A : 너 몇 반이야? (What class are you in? )
        B : 난 3반이야. (I'm in 3.)
    • 반장 <> - class leader
  • <> - ring
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Meaning: Meal Name of character: 밥 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 飯 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
  • 반찬 <> - dishes served to go with rice
  • 반주 <> - liquor taken at meal time
    • 반주를 하다 - drink some alcohol at meal time
  • 백반 <> - meal including rice
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Meaning: Carry Name of character: 옮길 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 搬 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
  • 반입(하다) <> - carry in
  • 운반(하다) <> - carry, transport
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Meaning: Base Name of character: 소반 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 盤 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
  • 선반 <> - shelf
  • 기반 <> - foundation, base
  • 초반 <> - the opening part
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Meaning: Name of character: 더위 잡을 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 攀 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character: 짝 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 伴 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character: 배반할 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 叛 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character: 버릴 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 拌 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character: 아롱질 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 斑 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character: 쟁반 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 槃 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 泮 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character: 성 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 潘 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character: 밭두둑 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 畔 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 瘢 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 盼 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character:
Additional info:
For more information, check out 磐 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character: 반계 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 磻 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character: 백반 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 礬 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character: 얽어맬 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 絆 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character: 일반 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 般 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character: 서릴 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 蟠 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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Meaning: Name of character: 나눌 반
Additional info:
For more information, check out 頒 on Hanja Explorer or in the naver dictionary.
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