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(Redirected from 炭)
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Total Characters: 10
呑 | |
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嘆 | |
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坦 | |
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{{Hanjabox2|char = 彈
|def =
|kor name =
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|examples =
- 폭탄 <爆彈> - bomb
- 수류탄 <手榴彈> - (hand) grenade
- 연막탄 <煙幕彈> - smoke grenades
- 최루탄 <催淚彈> - tear gas
- 섬광탄 <> - flash bang
- 핵폭탄 <核爆[[彈]> - nuclear bomb
- 유탄 발사기 <榴彈發射機> - grenade launcher
- 탄창 <彈倉> - magazine (for a weapon), clip
- 방탄조끼 <防彈--> - bullet proof vest
- 탄띠 <彈―> - a bandolier
- 산탄총 <霰彈銃> - a shotgun
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憚 | |
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歎 | |
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灘 | |
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炭 | |
Meaning: | Name of character: |
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綻 | |
Meaning: | Name of character: |
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誕 | |
Meaning: | Name of character: |
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