Eating out and drinking
From Korean Wiki Project
(Redirected from Eating and dining)
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- 아침(조식 <早食>) - Breakfast
- 점심(중식 <中食>) - Lunch
- 저녁(석식 <夕食>) - Dinner
- 술 - Liquor.
- 음료 < 飮料 > - A drink, a beverage
- 알딸딸하다 - Slang for being buzzed or tipsy.
- 대리 운전 - Designated driving. In Korea there are businesses that will drive your car home for you if you are too drunk. 대리 means to act in place of, while 운전 means to driving.
- 술자리 - A drinking party, drinking event, a banquet.
- 헤롱헤롱(헤롱거리다) - Slang for drunk(?)
- 해장 < 解酲 > - Something to relieve a hangover (food or drink)
- 음주 - Drinking
- 음주운전 - Drunk driving
- 음식 <飮食> - Food
- 식사 / 진지 - Meal (진지 is more politic word)
- 안주 < 按酒 > - Appetizer or dish usually required when drinking at a 술집 or 호프
General verbs
- 배고프다 - To be hungry
- 목 마르다 - To be thirsty
- 먹다 - To eat (can be used drinks like 소주 as well)
- 들다 - To eat (honorific)
- 마시다 - To drink
- 배 부르다 - To be full
- 따르다 - To pour
- 아깝다 - To be a waste (used when there is leftovers)
- 취하다 - To get drunk.
- 취했다 - To be drunk.
- 건배 - Cheers, a toast.
- 씹다 - To chew
- 따다 - To open (i.e. a bottle)
- 음주(하다) - Drinking, to have a drink.
Utensils and other items
- 숟가락 - spoon
- 젓가락 - chopsticks
- 포크 - fork
- 공기 - bowl
- 컵 - cup
- 잔 - glass, cup
- 병 - bottle (used with native Korean numbers, i.e. 한 병 is one bottle)
- 접시 - plate
- 그릇 - Bowl (used with native Korean numbers, i.e. 한 그릇 is one bowl)
Koreans often start drinking at one place, then move to another place.
- 일차 - First round
- 이차 - Second round
- 삼차 - Third round
Phrases and Requests
- 잘 먹겠습니다 - An expression to tell someone you will eat well (often said at the beginning of a meal)
- 잘 먹었습니다 - An expression of thank you used after eating to say you ate well.
- 진지 드세요 - Extremely polite way to tell someone to eat.(진지 is more polite expression of 식사)
- 여기요 / 저기요 - Used to get the waiter/waitress/worker's attention.
- 포장 해주세요 - I want it to go, please wrap/box it for me
- 치워 주세요/치워 주시겠어요? - Could you please clear this way? (i.e. remove the the dishes from the table)
Types of food
- 단 맛 - A sweet taste
- 달다 - sweet
- 달콤하다 - (chocolate)
- 달달하다 - (sugared water)
- 달짝지근하다
- 짠 맛 - A salty taste
- 짜다 - too salty
- 짭조름하다 - salty (good feeling)
- 짭잘하다 - (pringles)
- 쓴 맛 - A bitter taste
- 쓰다 - (coffee)
- 씁쓸하다 - (dark chocolate)
- 쌉쌀하다
- 매운 맛 - A spicy taste
- 맵다 - hot
- 매콤하다 - (떡볶이)
- 얼큰한 맛
- 얼큰하다
- 칼칼하다
- 시원하다 - to be refreshing
- 개운하다
- 신 맛 - A sour taste
- 시다 - (lemon)
- 시큼하다
- 새콤하다
- 상큼하다 - (lemonade)
- 떫은 맛 - A puckery taste
- 떫다 - puckery
- 떫떠름하다
- 맛없다 - Not good
- 싱겁다 - bland
- 밋밋하다 - flat
- 심심하다 - to be boring
- 맛있다 - Good
- 진짜 맛있다 - Delicious
- 기타 - etc; other
- 느끼하다 - too fatty
- 비리다 - fishy
- 담백하다
- 고소하다 (sesame oil)
- 구수하다 (된장찌개)