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*[[]][[]] <軍隊>- Military
*군대 <[[]][[]]>- military
*[[]][[]] <軍人> - Soldier
*군사 <[[]][[]]> - military (a bit of an old fashioned version of 군대)
*여군 <女軍> - female soldier
*군사령부 <[[軍]][[司]][[令]][[部]]> - military headquarters
*군사 - ?
**군사 개입 <[[軍]][[事]][[介]][[入]]> - military intervention  
*군사 개입 <軍事介入> - military intervention  
**군사 고문 <[[軍]][[事]][[顧]][[問]]> - a military adviser
*군사 고문 <軍事顧問> - a military adviser
**군사 동맹 <[[軍]][[事]][[同]][[盟]]> - a military alliance
*군사 동맹 <軍事同盟> - a military alliance
**군사력 <[[軍]][[事]][[力]]> - military strength
*군사력 <軍事力> - military strength
**군사범 <[[軍]][[事]][[犯]]> - a military offense
*군사범 <軍事犯> - a military offense
**군사 훈련 <[[軍]][[事]][[訓]][[鍊]]> - military drill, military training
*군사 훈련 <軍事訓鍊> - military drill, military training
*부대 <[[部]][[隊]]> - military unit, troops
*부대 <部隊> - military unit, troops
*특수전 <[[]][[]][[]]> - special forces, commandos
*[[]][[]] - Army
**특전대 <[[]][[]][[]]> - special forces, commandos
*[[]][[]] - Air force
**특공대 <[[]][[]][[隊]]> - special forces, commandos
*[[]][[]] - Navy
*입대(하다) <[[]][[]]> - enter the armed service, to enlist in the military
*[[]][[]] - Marine Corps
*제대(하다) <[[]][[]]>, 전역(하다) <[[轉]][[役]]> - be discharged from military service
*특전대/특공대 - Special forces
*병무청 <[[]][[]][[]]> - the Office of Military Manpower Administration
*[[]][[]]하다 - enter the armed service
*복무(하다) <[[]][[]]> - perform military duties, to serve
*[[]][[]]하다 - be discharged from military service
*복무 중이다 - be in the army
*[[]][[]][[]] <兵務廳> - the Office of Military Manpower Administration
*군화 <[[]][[]]> - military boots, combat boots
*[[]][[]]하다 - perform military duties
*훈련소 <[[]][[]][[]]> - an army training camp for recruits  
*복무중이다 - be in the army
*미군 <[[]][[]]> -  the U.S. Armed Forces
*[[]][[]] - a military uniform
*[[]][[]] - military shows
*[[계]][[급]] - rank
**([[입]][[대]]) → 훈련병 → 이병 → 일병 → 상병 → 병장 → ([[제]][[대]])
*[[훈]][[련]][[소]] - an army training camp for recruits  
*[[]][[군]] - a woman soldier
*ROTC - Reserve Officers Training Corps
*[[미]][[군]] -  the U.S. Armed Forces
*저격수/스나이퍼 - sniper
*위생병 - medic
*운전병 - driver
*헌병 - military police
*군악대 - military band
*군악대 - military band
*폭격 - airstrike
*폭격 <[[爆]][[擊]]> - airstrike, bombing
*전방 수류탄 - fire in the hole
*전방 수류탄 - fire in the hole
*잠복 - ambush
*잠복 <[[潛]][[伏]]> - ambush, stakeout
*암살자 - assassin
*암살 <[[暗]][[殺]]> - assassination
*암살 - assassination
*게릴라전 - guerrilla warfare
*게릴라전 - guerrilla warfare
*위장색 - camouflage
*수색대 - reconnaissance
*? - reconnaissance
*스파잉 - spying, espionage
*스파잉 - spying, espionage
*간첩, 스파이 - spy
*참호전 <[[塹]][[壕]][[戰]]/[[塹]][[濠]][[戰]]> - trench warfare
*군사 탐정 <軍事探偵> - a military spy, a secret service agent
*호송 <[[護]][[送]]> /호위 <[[護]][[衛]]> - convoy
? - trench warfare
*공격(하다) <[[攻]][[擊]]> - attack, assault, to attack, to assault
*호송/호위 - convoy
*테러 - terror, terrorism
*핵 무장 경쟁 - a nuclear arms race
*<[[敵]]> - enemy
*핵 실험<核實驗> - a nuclear test
*화학전 <[[化]][[學]][[戰]]> - chemical warfare
*공격(하다) <攻擊> - attack, assault, to attack, to assault
*육군본부 <[[陸]][[軍]][[本]][[部]]> - military headquarters
*전격전 <[[電]][[擊]][[戰]]> - blitzkrieg
*전쟁 <[[戰]][[爭]]> - warfare
*대리 전쟁 <[[代]][[理]][[戰]][[爭]]> - proxy war
*총력전 <[[總]][[力]][[戰]]> - all out war
*전면전 <[[全]][[面]][[戰]]> - total war, full scale war
*냉전 <[[冷]][[戰]]> - cold war
*교전 <[[交]][[戰]]> - combat, engagement, battle
*내전 <[[內]][[戰]]> / 내란 <[[內]][[亂]]> - civil war
*평화유지군 <[[平]][[和]][維]][[持]][[軍]]> - peace keeping forces
*전우 <戰友> - brother in arms, comrade in arms
==North Korea==
*동무 - comrade
*공산주의 <[[共]][[産]][[主]][[義]]> - communist
*공산당 <[[共]][[産]][[黨]]> - communist party
*육군 <[[陸]][[軍]]> - Army
*공군 <[[空]][[軍]]> - Air force
*해군 <[[海]][[軍]]> - Navy
*해병대 <[[海]][[兵]][[隊]]> - Marine Corps
*병과 <[[兵]][[科]]> - a branch in the military
*전투 <[[戰]][[鬪]]> - combat
*보병 <[[步]][[兵]]> - infantry
*포병 <[[砲]][[兵]]> - field artillery
*기갑 <[[機]][[甲]]> - armor
*공병 <[[工]][[兵]]> - military engineers
*항공 <[[航]][[空]]> - aviation
*특수전 <[[特]][[殊]][[戰]]> - special forces
*정보 <[[情]][[報]]> - intelligence
*통신 <[[通]][[信]]> - communications
*헌병 <[[憲]][[兵]]> - military police
*화학 <[[化]][[學]]> - chemical corps <!--hazmat?-->
*전투근무지원 <[[戰]][[鬪]][[勤]][[務]][[支]][[援]]>  - combat service support
*의무 <[[義]][[務]]> - medical corps
*수송 <[[輸]][[送]]> - transportation corps
*수의 <[[獸]][[醫]]> - veterinary corps
*치의 <[[齒]][[醫]]> - dental corps
*의무지원 <[[義]][[務]][[支]][[援]]> - medical service corps
*전문의 <[[專]][[門]][[醫]]> - medical specialist corps
*? - demolitions
*본부 - Headquarters
*주요사령부 - Major Command Station
*군단 - Corps
*사단 - Division
*여단 - Brigade
*연대 - Regiment
*대대 - Battalion
*중대 - Company
*포대 - Battery
*소대 - Platoon
*반 - Section
*분대 - Squad
*파견대 - Detachment
*팀 - Team
*차려 - Attention!
*쉬어 - At ease!
**편히쉬어 - At rest!
**열중쉬어 - Parade rest!
*충성, 필승 - salutation motto
*[[군]][[인]] <[[軍]]人>  - Soldier
*[[여]][[군]] <女[[軍]]> - female soldier
*저격수 <[[狙]][[擊]][[手]]>/스나이퍼 - sniper
*[[위]][[생]][[병]] - medic
*[[운]][[전]]병 - driver
*[[헌]][[병]] - military police
*[[간]][[첩]], 스파이 - spy
*[[군]][[사]] [[탐]][[정]] <[[軍]]事探偵> - a military spy, a secret service agent
*[[암]][[살]][[자]] - assassin
*[[계]][[급]] <階級> - rank
**([[입]][[대]]) → [[훈]][[련]][[병]] → 이[[병]] → 일[[병]] → 상[[병]] → 병[[장]] → ([[제]][[대]])
*[[장]][[군]] - general
*참모 - staff officer
*[[훈]][[련]][[병]] - Trainee
*[[신]][[병]] - Recruit
{| class="wikitable"
|+Comparison between South Korean and American ranks
! North Korea !! South Korea !! Army !! Navy !! Air Force !! Marines
| 대원수
| General of the Armies
| 원수
| 원수
| General of the Army
| Fleet Admiral
| General of the Air Force
| 차수
| 대장
| 대장
| General
| Admiral
| General
| General
| 상장
| 중장
| Lieutenant General
| Vice Admiral
| Lieutenant General
| Lieutenant General
| 중장
| 소장
| Major general
| Rear Admiral (Upper Half)
| Major general
| Major general
| 소장
| 준장
| Brigadier General
| Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
| Brigadier General
| Brigadier General
| 대좌
| 상좌
| 대령
| Colonel
| Captain
| Colonel
| Colonel
| 중좌
| 중령
| Lieutenant Colonel
| Commander
| Lieutenant Colonel
| Lieutenant Colonel
| 소좌
| 소령
| Major
| Lieutenant Commander
| Major
| Major
| 대위
| 상위
| 대위
| Captain
| Lieutenant
| Captain
| Captain
| 중위
| 중위
| First Lieutenant
| Lieutenant Junior Grade
| First Lieutenant
| First Lieutenant
| 소위
| 소위
| Second Lieutenant
| Ensign
| Second Lieutenant
| Second Lieutenant
| 준위
| Warrant Officer
| Warrant Officer
| Warrant Officer
| Warrant Officer
| 특무상사
| 원사
| Sergeant Major
| Master Chief Petty Officer
| Chief Master Sergeant
| Sergeant Major
| 상사
| 상사
| Master Sergeant
| Senior Chief Petty Officer
| Senior Master Sergeant
| Master Sergeant
| 중사
| 중사
| Sergeant First Class
| Chief Petty Officer
| Master Sergeant
| Gunnery Sergeant
| 하사
| 하사
| Staff Sergeant
| Petty Officer First Class
| Technical Sergeant
| Staff Sergeant
| 상급병사
| 병장
| Sergeant
| Petty Officer Second Class
| Staff Sergeant
| Sergeant
| 중급병사
| 상병
| Corporal
| Petty Officer Third Class
| Senior Airman
| Corporal
| 하급병사
| 일병
| Private First Class
| Seaman
| Airman First Class
| Lance Corporal
| 전사
| 이병
| Private
| Seaman Apprentice
| Airman
| Private First Class
*탱크/전차 - a tank
*탱크/전차 - a tank
*[[장]][[갑]][[차]] - bullet proof car
*헬기 /헬리콥터 - helicopter
*헬기 /헬리콥터 - helicopter
*장갑차 - bullet proof car
*[[전]][[투]][[기]] - fighter jet
*전투기 - fighter jet
*[[폭]][[격]][[기]] - bomber
*폭격기 - bomber
*항공모함 - aircraft carrier
*[[항]][[공]][[모]][[함]] - aircraft carrier
*잠수함 <潛水艦> - submarine
*[[잠]][[수]][[함]] <潛水艦> - submarine
*구축함 - destroyer (warship)
*구축함 - destroyer (warship)
*강습상륙함 - amphibious assault ship
*강습상륙함 - amphibious assault ship
*<> - enemy
*식량 <食糧> - rations
*테러 - Terror, terrorism
*군복 <軍服> - a military uniform
*식량 <[[食]][[糧]]> - rations
*전투화 - boots
*탄띠 - a bandolier
*전투복 / 위장색 - camouflage
*[[수]][[통]] - canteen
*[[쌍]][[안]][[경]] - binoculars
*[[야]][[간]] [[투]][[시]][[경]] - night vision goggles
*[[적]][[외]][[선]] [[투]][[시]][[경]] - thermal vision goggles
*[[침]][[낭]] - sleeping bag
*[[낙]][[하]][[산]] - parachute
*방탄모 - helmet
*방탄조끼 - bulletproof vest
*베레모 - beret
*무기 <武器> - weapons
*무기 <[[武]][[器]]> - weapons
*쏘다 - to shoot
*쏘다 - to shoot
*[[지]][[뢰]] - a land mine
*사격(하다) <射擊> - firing, fire, to shoot
*[[총]] - a gun
*수류탄 - grenades
*총알 - bullet
*망원경 - scope
*망원경 - scope
*권총 - pistol, sidearm
*연막탄 - smoke grenades
*총검 - bayonet
*최루탄 - tear gas
*섬광탄 - flash bang
*클레이모어 - claymore
*클레이모어 - claymore
*바주카포 - rocket launcher, bazooka
*[[장]][[전]]하다 - to reload
*대전차지뢰 - anti-tank mines
*[[대]][[공]][[화]][[기]] - anti-aircraft
*대공화기 - anti-aircraft
*탄창 - magazine, clip
*[[총]] - a gun
*소총 <小銃> - rifle, small arms
*총알 - bullet
*권[[총]] - pistol, sidearm
*[[총]]검 - bayonet
*[[탄]][[창]] - magazine, clip
*개머리판 - stock, butt (of a gun)
*자동화기 / 자동소총 - fully automatic guns
*자동화기 / 자동소총 - fully automatic guns
*반자동소총 - semi automatic guns
*반자동소총 - semi automatic guns
*3연발 - 3 round burst
*3연발 - 3 round burst
*기관포 - Autocannon  
*기관포 - Autocannon, heavy machine gun
*기관총 - Machine gun  
*시사장 <試射場> - a firing range (?)
*경기관총 - light machine gun  
*[[기]][[관]][[총]] - Machine gun  
*중기관총 (中) - medium machine gun  
*경기관[[총]] - light machine gun  
*중기관총 (重) - heavy machine gun  
*중기관[[총]] (中) - medium machine gun  
*다목적기관총 - general purpose machine gun  
*중기관[[총]] (重) - heavy machine gun  
*분대지원화기 - squad automatic weapon  
*[[다]][[목]][[적]][[기]][[관]][[총]] - general purpose machine gun  
*돌격소총 - assault rifle  
*[[분]][[대]][[지]][[원]][[화]][[기]] - squad automatic weapon  
*기관단총 - submachine gun  
*[[돌]][[격]][[소]][[총]] - assault rifle  
*기관권총 - machine pistol  
*[[기]][[관]][[단]][[총]] - submachine gun  
*[[기]][[관]][[권]][[총]] - machine pistol  
*개틀링 건 - gattling gun
*개틀링 건 - gattling gun
*산탄총 - shotgun
*산탄총 <[[霰]][[彈]][[銃]]> - shotgun
*폭탄 - bomb
*소총 사정 거리 <[[小]][[銃]][[射]][[程]][[距]][[離]]> - a rifle range (how far the rifle can effectively shoot)
*지뢰 <[[地]][[雷]]> - a land mine
*수류탄 <[[手]][[榴]][[彈]]> - grenades
*연막탄 <[[煙]][[幕]][[彈]]> - smoke grenades
*최루탄 <[[催]][[淚]][[彈]]> - tear gas
*섬광탄 <[[閃]][[光]][[彈]]> - flash bang
*바주카포 - rocket launcher, bazooka
*대전차지뢰 <[[對]][[戰]][[車]][[地]][[雷]]> - anti-tank mines
*폭탄 <[[爆]][[彈]]> - bomb
*터지다 - to explode
*터지다 - to explode
*C4 폭탄 - C4 explosive
*C4 폭탄 - C4 explosive
*대포 - Artillery
*대포 <[[大]][[砲]]> - artillery
*장전하다 - to reload
*핵 <[[核]]> - nuclear weapon
*개머리판 - stock, butt (of a gun)
**핵 폭탄 - nuclear bomb
*핵 <核>- Nuclear weapon
**[[]] [[무]][[장]] [[경]][[쟁]] - a nuclear arms race
*핵 공격 <核攻擊> - a nuclear attack  
**[[]] [[공]][[격]] <核[[攻]][[擊]]> - a nuclear attack  
*핵 공격을 가하다 - make a nuclear attack
**[[]] [[공]][[격]]을 가하다 - make a nuclear attack
**[[핵]] [[실]][[험]]<核實驗> - a nuclear test
*미사일 - missile
*미사일 - missile
*박격포 <[[迫]][[擊]][[砲]]> - mortar
*어뢰 <[[魚]][[雷]]> - torpedo
*유탄 발사기 <[[榴]][[彈]][[發]][[射]][[機]]> - grenade launcher
*전투화 - boots
*탄띠 -
*전투복 - camoflage
*수통 - canteen
*쌍안경 - binoculars
*야간 투시경 - night vision goggles
*적외선 투시경 - thermal vision goggles
*침낭 - sleeping bag
*낙하산 - parachute
*방탄모 - helmet
*방탄조끼 - bulletproof vest
*베레 - beret

Latest revision as of 05:23, 18 May 2013


  • 군대 <>- military
  • 군사 <> - military (a bit of an old fashioned version of 군대)
  • 군사령부 <> - military headquarters
  • 부대 <> - military unit, troops
  • 특수전 <> - special forces, commandos
    • 특전대 <> - special forces, commandos
    • 특공대 <> - special forces, commandos
  • 입대(하다) <> - enter the armed service, to enlist in the military
  • 제대(하다) <>, 전역(하다) <> - be discharged from military service
  • 병무청 <> - the Office of Military Manpower Administration
  • 복무(하다) <> - perform military duties, to serve
  • 복무 중이다 - be in the army
  • 군화 <> - military boots, combat boots
  • 훈련소 <> - an army training camp for recruits
  • 미군 <> - the U.S. Armed Forces
  • 군악대 - military band
  • 폭격 <> - airstrike, bombing
  • 전방 수류탄 - fire in the hole
  • 잠복 <> - ambush, stakeout
  • 암살 <> - assassination
  • 게릴라전 - guerrilla warfare
  • 수색대 - reconnaissance
  • 스파잉 - spying, espionage
  • 참호전 </> - trench warfare
  • 호송 <> /호위 <> - convoy
  • 공격(하다) <> - attack, assault, to attack, to assault
  • 테러 - terror, terrorism
  • 적 <> - enemy
  • 화학전 <> - chemical warfare
  • 육군본부 <> - military headquarters
  • 전격전 <> - blitzkrieg
  • 전쟁 <> - warfare
  • 대리 전쟁 <> - proxy war
  • 총력전 <> - all out war
  • 전면전 <> - total war, full scale war
  • 냉전 <> - cold war
  • 교전 <> - combat, engagement, battle
  • 내전 <> / 내란 <> - civil war
  • 평화유지군 <[維]]> - peace keeping forces
  • 전우 <戰友> - brother in arms, comrade in arms

North Korea



  • 병과 <> - a branch in the military
  • 전투 <> - combat
  • 보병 <> - infantry
  • 포병 <> - field artillery
  • 기갑 <> - armor
  • 공병 <> - military engineers
  • 항공 <> - aviation
  • 특수전 <> - special forces
  • 정보 <> - intelligence
  • 통신 <> - communications
  • 헌병 <> - military police
  • 화학 <> - chemical corps
  • 전투근무지원 <> - combat service support
  • 의무 <> - medical corps
  • 수송 <> - transportation corps
  • 수의 <> - veterinary corps
  • 치의 <> - dental corps
  • 의무지원 <> - medical service corps
  • 전문의 <> - medical specialist corps
  • ? - demolitions


  • 본부 - Headquarters
  • 주요사령부 - Major Command Station
  • 군단 - Corps
  • 사단 - Division
  • 여단 - Brigade
  • 연대 - Regiment
  • 대대 - Battalion
  • 중대 - Company
  • 포대 - Battery
  • 소대 - Platoon
  • 반 - Section
  • 분대 - Squad
  • 파견대 - Detachment
  • 팀 - Team


  • 차려 - Attention!
  • 쉬어 - At ease!
    • 편히쉬어 - At rest!
    • 열중쉬어 - Parade rest!
  • 충성, 필승 - salutation motto



Comparison between South Korean and American ranks
North Korea South Korea Army Navy Air Force Marines
대원수 General of the Armies
원수 원수 General of the Army Fleet Admiral General of the Air Force
대장 대장 General Admiral General General
상장 중장 Lieutenant General Vice Admiral Lieutenant General Lieutenant General
중장 소장 Major general Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Major general Major general
소장 준장 Brigadier General Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Brigadier General Brigadier General
상좌 대령 Colonel Captain Colonel Colonel
중좌 중령 Lieutenant Colonel Commander Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel
소좌 소령 Major Lieutenant Commander Major Major
상위 대위 Captain Lieutenant Captain Captain
중위 중위 First Lieutenant Lieutenant Junior Grade First Lieutenant First Lieutenant
소위 소위 Second Lieutenant Ensign Second Lieutenant Second Lieutenant
준위 Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Warrant Officer
특무상사 원사 Sergeant Major Master Chief Petty Officer Chief Master Sergeant Sergeant Major
상사 상사 Master Sergeant Senior Chief Petty Officer Senior Master Sergeant Master Sergeant
중사 중사 Sergeant First Class Chief Petty Officer Master Sergeant Gunnery Sergeant
하사 하사 Staff Sergeant Petty Officer First Class Technical Sergeant Staff Sergeant
상급병사 병장 Sergeant Petty Officer Second Class Staff Sergeant Sergeant
중급병사 상병 Corporal Petty Officer Third Class Senior Airman Corporal
하급병사 일병 Private First Class Seaman Airman First Class Lance Corporal
전사 이병 Private Seaman Apprentice Airman Private First Class



  • 탱크/전차 - a tank
  • - bullet proof car



  • - aircraft carrier
  • <潛水艦> - submarine
  • 구축함 - destroyer (warship)
  • 강습상륙함 - amphibious assault ship


  • 군복 <軍服> - a military uniform
  • 식량 <> - rations
  • 전투화 - boots
  • 탄띠 - a bandolier
  • 전투복 / 위장색 - camouflage
  • - canteen
  • - binoculars
  • - night vision goggles
  • - thermal vision goggles
  • - sleeping bag
  • - parachute
  • 방탄모 - helmet
  • 방탄조끼 - bulletproof vest
  • 베레모 - beret


  • 무기 <> - weapons
  • 쏘다 - to shoot
  • 사격(하다) <射擊> - firing, fire, to shoot
  • 망원경 - scope
  • 클레이모어 - claymore
  • 하다 - to reload
  • - anti-aircraft


  • - a gun
  • 소총 <小銃> - rifle, small arms
  • 총알 - bullet
  • - pistol, sidearm
  • 검 - bayonet
  • - magazine, clip
  • 개머리판 - stock, butt (of a gun)
  • 자동화기 / 자동소총 - fully automatic guns
  • 반자동소총 - semi automatic guns
  • 3연발 - 3 round burst
  • 기관포 - Autocannon, heavy machine gun
  • 시사장 <試射場> - a firing range (?)
  • - Machine gun
  • 경기관 - light machine gun
  • 중기관 (中) - medium machine gun
  • 중기관 (重) - heavy machine gun
  • - general purpose machine gun
  • - squad automatic weapon
  • - assault rifle
  • - submachine gun
  • - machine pistol
  • 개틀링 건 - gattling gun
  • 산탄총 <> - shotgun
  • 소총 사정 거리 <> - a rifle range (how far the rifle can effectively shoot)



  • 충성
  • 단결