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莫 (Very)
- 막대하다 <莫大> - Vast
- 막강하다 <莫强> - Have the greatest power
- 막중하다 <莫重> - Very important
- 막무가내
- 막무가내로 <莫無可奈> - Obstinately, Stubbornly
漠 (Wide)
- 막연하다 <漠然> - Vague
- 사막 <沙漠> - Desert
寞 (Lonely)
- 막막하다 <寞寞> - Forlorn
- 적막(하다) <寂寞> - Lonely, Desolate
- 삭막하다 <索莫> - Dreary
幕 (Curtain)
- 자막 <字幕> - Subtitle
- 현수막 <懸垂幕> - Banner
- 개막 <開幕> - (event, performance) raise the curtain, open
- 폐막 <閉幕> - (event, performance) close the curtain, close