This is the form when it's found at the middle or end of a word. See 노 for words with this character in the beginning.
- (으)로 is used after nouns to denote 'through', 'to', etc. See N + (으)로.
路 (Road)
- 도로 <道路> - Street
- 교차로 <交叉路> - Intersection
- 통로 <通路> - Passage
勞 (Work)
- 피로(하다) <疲勞> - Tried
- 과로(하다) <過勞> - Overwork
- 위로(하다) <慰勞> - Comfort
老 (Old)
- 경로 <敬老> - Respect for the elderly
- 경로석 <敬老席> - Seat for the old person
露 (Expose)