Hangeul step 1/fr
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Bienvenue. Contrairement au japonais et au chinois, l'apprentissage de la lecture du coréen peut se faire en quelques heures. Le seul moyen de prononcer correctement les mots coréens est d'utiliser l'écriture coréenne, le Hangeul (한글). Le français et le coréen n'ont pas vraiment de sons identiques, alors l'utilisation d'une romanization (transcription latine) n'est pas une bonne idée. Dans les pages suivantes, nous avons pensé à un apprentissage en six étapes et utilisé différentes méthodes pour aider les autres à apprendre l'écriture coréenne de manière rapide et efficace. Il s'agit d'un projet commun entre Korean Wiki Project et TalktomeinKorean.com. Nous avons cherché les voix parfaites pour lire les sons Hangeuls et elles ont donné de leur temps malgré leur agenda chargé pour faire avancer ce projet. Nous sommes très reconnaissants de leur effort et de leur soutien.
Une septième étape sera également créée ultérieurement pour vous aider avec la prononciation avancée.
Pourquoi apprendre l'alphabet coréen ?
Certaines personnes pensent qu'apprendre le coréen avec la transcription latine est suffisant et ne réalisent pas combien ça les retient dans leur progression de la langue coréenne. Voici ci-dessous les raisons pour lesquelles la transcription latine du coréen n'est pas bonne.
- Les sons français et les sons coréens ne sont pas identiques. Est-ce que ça serait sensé d'apprendre le français avec l'alphabet coréen ? Surtout quand il n'y a pas de sons F, V et Z en coréen ? Ce qui est certain, c'est que le coréen n'inclut pas tous les sons du français, et inversement, le français n'inclut pas tous les sons du coréen. C'est pourquoi l'alphabet français ne peut représenter complètement les sons coréens. Si quelqu'un veut apprendre le français, il devrait le faire avec l'alphabet et les sons français. De la même manière, si quelqu'un veut apprendre le coréen, il devrait le faire avec l'alphabet et les sons coréens.
- La transcription latine du coréen est trompeuse et ambiguë.
- Si quelqu'un n'est pas familier avec le coréen et utilise les phrases de voyage en transcription latine, la prononciation ne sera pas bonne. Par exemple, comment prononcer le mot en transcription latine 'neon' ? 'néon' ou bien 'nonne' ? La véritable prononciation est plutôt 'nonne' mais comment peut-on le savoir lorsqu'il est transcrit sous la forme 'neon' ?
- Il y a différents systèmes de transcription latine et parfois il est difficile de savoir le système est utilisé. Par exemple, le nom de la patineuse médaillée olympique "Kim Yuna" (김연아) n'est pas transcrit de manière traditionnelle, mais suivant un raccourci de transcription de phonétique anglaise. S'il s'agissait du système de romanization (transcription latine) révisé, ça aurait été Yoona, et non Yuna car yu représente le son ㅠ et non ㅕ.
- Il n'y a pas de sons comme Woo et Yi et c'est impossible de les écrire en coréen. Cependant quelque fois le son ㅜ est transcrit comme Woo et 이 comme Yi.
Pour plus de raisons, consultez : Romanization#Problems.
Brief History
See full article at The Origin of Hangeul
Hangeul was introduced under Sejong the Great and finished around 1444. Up until and even after that time, Chinese characters were used as the written language, limiting reading and writing to the royal and government elite. King Sejong wanted Korea to have its own script that could be easily learned by anyone -- even commoners. After its creation, Hangeul was said to be easy enough to learn that a wise man could finish it in the morning and a fool could finish it by night. For this reason there was opposition to Hangeul for a time by Korean aristocrats, believing only those of social superiority should have this special privilege.
Ever since Hangeul was first introduced, it has gone through many phases of refinement. Korean went through a large reformation during the Japanese colonization in the early 1900's, removing many of the now-archaic letters and changing several rules.
Hangeul is considered easy to learn by many people because most of the similar shaped letters have a similar sound as well, making it easy to see the relationship and making it easy to memorize.
There are 14 basic consonants in Korean and five double consonants which are formed from the basic consonants ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, and ㅈ respectively.
Basic consonants | |
Double consonants |
There are eight basic vowel sounds along with 13 other complex vowel sounds. These complex vowels are called diphthongs, which are combinations of no more than two vowels. Whereas multiple vowels are normally voiced in separate syllables, each vowel composing a diphthong is voiced together within one syllable. As you can also see just from looking, most diphthongs are combinations of two basic vowels.
All basic vowels are created by three types of strokes. The first stroke symbolizes Heaven and is a dot (•), though in modern Korean this dot is just a simple, short stroke. The next type of stroke symbolizes earth and is a horizontal line (ㅡ). The final stroke symbolizes man (ㅣ). These symbols are combined to create the Korean vowels, for example | plus • makes ㅏ.
Basic vowels | |
Complex vowels |
Syllable Blocks
Korean words are written from left to right and words are formed by writing each syllable in a block-like shape. Each letter inside the block forms a sound. The word for 'person' is 사람, romanized as 'saram,' and consists of two syllables. The letters ㅅ + ㅏ make the syllable block of 사 ('sa'), while ㄹ + ㅏ + ㅁ make the next syllable 람 ('ram'). The picture below will show you a sound approximation of each of the Korean sounds contained in the word. Also note that written Korean doesn't actually draw boxes around the syllables, this is just for illustrative purposes.
Korean syllables are organized into blocks of letters that have a beginning consonant, a middle vowel, and an optional final consonant. A syllable block is composed of a minimum of two letters, consisting of at least one consonant and one vowel. In our lesson plan, Steps 2, 3 and 4 will focus on just words with a consonant and one horizontal vowel, and words with a consonant and one vertical vowel (see below). Step 5 will introduce the final consonant concept and step 6 will show syllables that can consist of double vowels.
Also note if you want to write only a vowel, it must be written with the consonant ㅇ, which acts as a silent placeholder for the consonant position. Why? Think of the ying and the yang concept. If one wants to write the vowel ㅏ, they would have to write it as 아 with ㅇ being a silent placeholder for the consonant position. An easy way to remember this is to think of the ㅇ as a zero. More examples below:
Original vowel | Written by itself |
ㅏ | 아 |
ㅐ | 애 |
ㅓ | 어 |
ㅔ | 에 |
ㅗ | 오 |
ㅜ | 우 |
ㅡ | 으 |
ㅣ | 이 |
As already mentioned, Korean words are written from left-to-right and top-to-bottom in block-like forms. In the next few sections you will learn how to write each letter and its appropriate stroke order. While stroke order may not seem important at first, it is important when writing Korean naturally and helps others to be able to read your handwriting. The shapes and size of the letters can be stretched or compressed to fill in the block space and to make it evenly sized with other all other syllables. In the example below, you can see how the size and shape of the letter ㄱ changes to fill in this imaginary block (highlighted in sky blue).
Now we are going to start learning some letters, which are called jamo. Please note that, in order to view these lessons in their entirety, you must have Adobe Flash Player installed. This will allow you to play all included audio files on the following pages. Don't worry, you more than likely have it installed on your computer already.