TTMIK nível 7 lição 18 (Brasil)
Na lição anterior, aprendemos como dizer "Dizem..", ou "Eu ouvi que..." em coreano a fim de recontar a alguém o que você ouviu de outro alguém. As estruturas usadas para dizer isso são -(ㄴ/는)대(요) e -(이)래(요). Vamos revisar um pouquinho. 1. 제 친구가 지금 바빠요. = Minha amiga está ocupada agora. → 제 친구가 지금 바쁘대요. = Minha amiga diz que está ocupada agora. 2. 이게 제일 좋은 거예요. = Este é o melhor. → 이게 제일 좋은 거래요. = Dizem que este é o melhor. E nesta lição, veremos as seguintes estruturas: 1. -(ㄴ/는)다던데(요) 2. -(이)라던데(요) Ambas são muito similares às estruturas introduzidas na lição anterior. -(느)ㄴ다던데(요) é similar à -(ㄴ/는)대(요) (da primeira sentença revisada acima) e ow to say “They say …”, or “I hear that …” in Korean in order to re-tell someone what you’ve heard from someone else. The structures used for saying these are -(ㄴ/는)대(요) and -(이)래(요). Let’s review a little bit.
My friend is busy now. My friend says that she is busy now. This is the best one. They say that this is the best one.
And in this lesson, we are looking at the following structures:
Both of these are very similar to the structures introduced in the previous lesson. -(느)ㄴ다던데(요) is similar to -(ㄴ/는)대(요) (from the first review sentence above) and -(이)라던데(요) is similar to -(이)래(요). Just like -(ㄴ/는)대(요) is an abbreviation of -(ㄴ/는)다고 해(요), -(ㄴ/는)다던데(요) is an abbreviation of -(ㄴ/는)다고 하던데(요). The same applies to -(이)래(요) and -(이)라던데(요). Difference between -(ㄴ/는)대(요) and -(ㄴ/는)다던데(요) Whereas -(ㄴ/는)대(요) is used to mainly just re-tell a story or deliver certain information, when you use -(ㄴ/는)다던데(요), you imply that you want some kind of reaction or response from the listener. 지금 와요. = She’s coming now. 지금 온대요. = She says she’s coming now. 지금 온다던데요. = She says she’s coming now. (+ (ex) Should we wait?/What do you think?) 유명해요. = He’s famous. 유명하대요. = They say he’s famous. 유명하다던데요. = They say he’s famous. (+ (ex) But you said otherwise, right?)
- The same applies to -(이)래(요) and -(이)라던데(요).
학생이에요. = He’s a student. 학생이래요. = He says he’s a student. 학생이라던데요. = He says he’s a student. (+ (ex) What shall we do then?) 공원이에요. = They are at a park. / It is a park. 공원이래요. = They say they are at a park. 공원이라던데요. = They say they are at a park. (+ (ex) Shall we go there?) Difference between -(ㄴ/는)다던데(요) and -(ㄴ/는)다는데(요) There is a slight difference in nuance between -던데 and -는데, and it’s based on the fact that -던 is usually associated with the past tense whereas -는 is associated with the present tense. We are going to look at -던 in a more detail in a future lesson, so please just note the difference for now. 지금 온다던데요. = They said that they would come here now. 지금 온다는데요. = They are saying that they will come here now. 유명하다던데요. = I heard that she’s famous. 유명하다는데요. = He is saying that she’s famous.
- The same applies to -(이)래(요), -(이)라던데(요) and -(이)라는데(요).
학생이라던데요. = They told me that they were students. 학생이라는데요. = They say that they are students. 공원이라던데요. = They said that they were at a park. 공원이라는데요. = They say that they are at a park. Sample Sentences 1. 여기 위험하다던데요. = I heard that this place is dangerous. (+ (ex) What do you think?) 2. 혼자 갈 거라던데요. = She said she would go there alone. (+ (ex) Shall I talk to her again? / You can’t go with her.) 3. 그 사람도 모른다던데요. = He said that he doesn’t know either. (+ (ex) So why keep asking him?) 4. 벌써 다 끝났다던데요. = They said that it was already all over. (+ (ex) There was nothing I could do.) 5. 한국에 겨울에 가면 많이 춥다던데요. = I heard that it’s very cold in Korea if you go there in winter. (+ (ex) Perhaps you should pack more clothes.)