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Pronunciation 'Rule:
- Case 1: 'ㄱ' 받침 + 'ㅎ' → the sound becomes a ㅋ sound
- Case 2: 'ㅎ' 받침 + 'ㄱ' → the sound becomes a ㅋ sound
If a ㄱ and ㅎ sounds meet each other, it becomes a single ㅋ sound. The ㅎ (/h/) sound causes the ㄱ to become it's aspirated counterpart the ㅋ sound.
- 행복하다 → "행보카다"
- 축하하다 → "추카하다"
- 가득하다 → "가드카다"
- 약하다 → "야카다"
- 입학다 → "이파카다" (Note the ㅂ + ㅎ rule is also in place)
- 이렇게 → "이러케"
- 똑똑하다 → "똑또카다"
- 어떻게 → "어떠케"
- 참석하다 → "참서카다"
- 취직하다 → "취지카다"
- 좋겠다 → "조켔따" [Note that ]
- 어떻하지? → "어떠카지?"