From Korean Wiki Project
- 군대 < 軍隊 >- Military
- 군인 < 軍人 > - Soldier
- 육군
- 공군 - Air force
- 해군 - Navy
- 해병대 - Marine Corps
- 입대하다 - enter the armed service
- 제대하다 - be discharged from military service
- 병무청(兵務廳)- the Office of Military Manpower Administration
- 복무하다 - perform military duties
- 복무 중 이다 - be in the army
- 군복 - a military uniform
- 군화 - military shows
- 계급 - rank?
*(입대)-> 훈련병 -> 이병 -> 일병 -> 상병 -> 병장 ->(제대)
- 훈련소 - an army training camp for recruits
- 여군 - a woman soldier
- ROTC - Reserve Officers Training Corps
- 미군 - the U.S. Armed Forces
Types of Weapons
- 지뢰 - a land mine
- 총 - a gun
- 탱크 - a tank