TTMIK niveau 4 leçon 2

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Jump to: navigation, search - Notes Gratuites de Leçons de Coréen NIVEAU 4 LEÇON 2

Dans cette leçon, nous verrons la terminaison -(으)ᄅ래요 [-(eu)l-lae-yo].

À travers nos précédentes leçons, nous avons appris comment parler au futur de différentes façons.

Premièrement, on peut utiliser la terminaison -(으)ᄅ 거예요 [-(eu)l geo-ye-yo] pour des phrases au futur for plat.

Ensuite, si on attend une réaction ou un commentaire de la part de notre interlocuteur ou si on réagit à la remarque de quelqu'un, on peut utiliser la terminaison -(으) ᄅ게요.

La terminaison -(으)ᄅ래요 ressemble beaucoup à celle des terminaisons au futur, mais est aussi très unique.

-(으)ᄅ래요 est utilisé quand on veut exprimer une intention ou une volonté de faire quelque chose.

Si on met un point d'interrogation à la fin de la phrase, on peut demander à quelqu'un d'autre ses intentions ou volontés de faire quelque chose.

It can mean “I want to...” or “I’m going to...”, or it can also mean “Do you want to...?” when it is used in a question sentence.

Conjugation Verb stems ending with a consonant + -을래요 Verb stems ending with the consonant ᄅ + -래요 Verb stems ending with a vowel + -ᄅ래요 Usage examples 1. 집에 갈래요. [ji-be gal-lae-yo.] = I want to go home. / I’m going to go home.

    • Comparison 집에 가고 싶어요.[ji-be ga-go si-peo-yo] - most general and vague = “I want to go home.”

집에 갈게요.[ji-be gal-ge-yo] - looking for feedback / reacting to the situation = “(If so) I’m going to go home. (I wonder what you think.)” This PDF is to be used along with the MP3 audio lesson available at Please feel free to share TalkToMeInKorean’s free Korean lessons and PDF files with anybody who is studying Korean. If you have any questions or feedback, visit - Free Korean Lesson Notes LEVEL 4 LESSON 2 집에 갈 거예요. [ji-be gal geo-ye-yo] - most direct = “I’m going to go home. (That is my plan.)” 2. 혼자 할래요. [hon-ja hal-lae-yo.] = I’ll do it alone. / I want to do it alone. 3. 저는 안 갈래요. [jeo-neun an gal-lae-yo.] = I don’t want to go. / I’m not going to go. 4. 뭐 마실래요? [mwo ma-sil-lae-yo?] = What do you want to drink? / What are you going to drink? 5. 커피 마실래요, 차 마실래요? [keo-pi ma-sil-lae-yo, cha ma-sil-lae-yo?] = Do you want to drink coffee or tea? 6. 이거 볼래? [i-geo bol-lae?] = Do you want to see this? 7. 언제 만날래? [eon-je man-nal-lae?] = When do you want to meet? Note This -(으)ᄅ래요 ending is usually used only in casual settings. You can not use this verb ending if you are talking to someone that you have to be very formal with. This PDF is to be used along with the MP3 audio lesson available at Please feel free to share TalkToMeInKorean’s free Korean lessons and PDF files with anybody who is studying Korean. If you have any questions or feedback, visit