There are many ways to contribute to this wiki. For sections that need urgent attention, please check the community portal. For contributing in general, see the sections below to a category that might best suit your skills.
If you have an idea on how to contribute that isn't listed below, feel free to just add your own content. The stuff below is only a guideline, there are many good ideas out there and we surely didn't list them all.
Do you have a camera that takes high quality pictures?
- Some of the pictures on this website were taken on a camera phone, if you have a higher quality one, upload a new version of that image. See the category camera phone images to see which pictures need to be replaced with a higher quality image.
- We need pictures of Chinese characters, hanja (한자), in use for our hanja vocabulary pages. If you see a sign with hanja in use, please take a picture of it and upload it.
- We need pictures of anything that could go on any of the vocabulary pages. For examples on the types of pictures that would be suitable, look at the subway vocabulary page for examples of how pictures can improve vocabulary pages.
- Any picture you think would be beneficial to learning Korean or measuring one's ability in Korean.
- Pictures should also have an explanation and translation in the image's description.
For examples see: Images and photos
 Audio and recording
Do you have a digital audio recorder or any device that can record audio? We are looking for people to:
- Record telephone messages, for example check this page: Phone and calling
- Record phone calls while ordering delivery (native speaker preferred). Of course before uploading, please edit out your real address and credit card number if you used one while ordering. See: Ordering delivery
- Record unique subway announcements, to see which ones are already up see: Subway announcements.
- Record any announcements from the bus.
- Record any kind of announcement in public that many people might hear on a daily basis and would benefit learners of Korean (i.e. at the ATM machine, see this example).
- Some of the audio on this site needs the background noise filtered out (i.e. subway announcements), if you know how to do this, please contact Bluesoju.
 Korean language student or exchange student
- Are you an exchange student? How about contributing to the vocabulary sections on areas related to your major.
- Are you a student at a language institute learning Korean? We need you to categorize some of the grammar patterns according to what level you are learning them at your school, for example Seoul National University level 1 grammar patterns. We need contributions especially from students at Yonsei or Sogang university programs to categorize the grammar patterns as well. (instructions)
- Being a language student, you learn many details and rules not included in the textbooks. Add some of the insights you've learned to the grammar patterns section.
 Artist or graphic designer
- Are you an artist or graphic designer? We need custom pictures for the vocabulary section. Many vocabulary textbooks come with pictures, so we'd like something similar for our pages, i.e. a human body label in Korean.
- Create anything that might make this website look more aesthetically pleasing.
- (example picture coming soon)
 Are you a native speaker of Korean?
- Since many textbooks don't give natural examples, we are looking to put our own examples. We need people to add sentence examples to grammar patterns, idioms, and other phrases. Please see incomplete examples for some pages that need more sentence examples.
- Are you from outside of Seoul and speak another dialect (사투리)? We need help on our 사투리 pages!
- Add more examples to our Chinese roots section.