Dates and times
From Korean Wiki Project
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You should use Korean or Chinese rooted numbers for their respective roots below. Some times use different words for length and the actual time, make sure you recognize what word to use in what context.
- 시간 - Time
- 날짜 - Date
- 지금 <只今> - Now
- 나중에 - Later
- 당시 - at the time of
- ※Be careful!
[07/08/09] : Is this [7th August 2009] or[8th July 2009] or [9th August 2007]?
In Korea, [9th August 2007] is right. [YY/MM/DD]
If you see this date → [10/11/07] when you check the expiration date, don't worry. [10/11/07] means [7th Nov.2010]
But if the stuff is an imported goods, [10/11/07] could be [10th Nov.2007]or [11th Oct.2007]. So watch out!
Also, when you write or say the date, you should write or say in order of year, month, date. [2009년 6월 10일]
- -부터 - From
- -까지, -껏 - Until
- -동안, -간, -중(에) - During, duration of, middle of
- -후(에) - After
- -전(에) - Before
Many years
- 시대 - an epoch, a period in time
- 수년 - several years
- 수년간 - for several years
- 수년 전 - some years ago
- 수십년 - several decades
- 수백년 - hundreds
- 년(Chinese)/해(Korean) - year
- Example, 일년/한해 - one year
- 작년[장년]/지난해 - last year
- 올해 - current year
- 내년/다음해/이듬해 - next year
- 연간 - yearly, one year's time
- 연초 - beginning of the year
- 연말 - end of the year
- 다년 - multiple years
- 달(Korean, length)/가월(Korean, length)/월 (Chinese, month of the year) - month
- Months of the year
- 월초 - beginning of the month
- 중순 - the middle ten days of a month
- 월말 - end of the month
- 주(Chinese) - week
- 지난주 - last week
- 지지난주 - the week before last
- 이번주 - last week
- 다음주 - next week
- 다다음주 - week after next week
- 주말 - weekend
- 평일 - weekdays
- 일(Chinese) - day
- Number of days have special words associated with them
- Days of the week
- 평일 - weekday
- 그저께 - day before yesterday
- 어제 - yesterday
- 오늘 - today
- 내일 - tomorrow
- 내일모레 - day after tomorrow
Parts of the day
- 시 <時> (Korean, hour of the day)/시간(Korean, length) - hour
- 분 <分> (Chinese) - minute
- 초(Chinese) - seconds
- 봄 - spring
- 여름 - summer
- 가을 - fall/autumn
- 겨울 - winter