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各 (Every)
覺 (Perceive, conscious)
- 각오(하다) <覺悟> - Preparedness,Resolution, To prepare oneself for
- 착각 <錯覺> - Illusion
- 시각 <視覺> - The sense of sight
- 청각 <聽覺> - The sense of hearing
- 후각 <嗅覺> - The sense of smell
- 미각 <味覺> - The sense of taste
- 촉각 <觸覺> - The sense of touch
- 감각 <感覺> - Sense
角 (Angle, horn)
- 각설탕 - Cube sugar
- 각도 <角度> - Angle
- 각목 <角木> - Square wooden stick
- 삼각형 <三角形> - Triangle
- 사각형 <四角形> - Quadrangle