From Korean Wiki Project
Revision as of 08:28, 27 February 2009 by Metal.carratt (Talk | contribs)
Vocabulary words related to occupations. If there is a parenthesis, then it is the verb form.
- 의사 - a doctor
- 간호사 - a nurse
- 기자 - a reporter
- 가수 - a singer
- 교수 - a professor
- 회사원 - a company worker (회사 means company)
- 주부 - a housewife
- 운동선수 - an athlete (운동 means exercise, from Chinese: yundong)
- 영화배우 - a movie star (영화 means movie, from Chinese)
- 모델 - a model (from English: Model)
- 축구선수 - a soccer player (축구 means soccer)
- 학생 - a student
- 요리사 - a cook
- 군인 - a soldier
- 경찰관 - a police officer