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席 (Seat)
- 경로석 <敬老席> - Seat for the old person
- 노약자석 <老弱者席> - Seats for old, weak, pregnant woman
- 객석 <客席> - Seats for the audience, seats (theater, concert, etc.)
- 관중석 <觀衆席> - Seats for the audience (sports, etc.)
- 방석 <方席> - Floor cushion
- 출석(하다) <出席> - Attendance, present (where someone have to attand - school etc.)
- 참석(하다) <參席> - Attendance, present (party, event, etc.)
- 결석(하다) <缺席> - Absence (school)
- 수석 <首席> - The top, the chief
- 합석(하다) <合席> - share a table with another
- 공석 <空席> - Vacant(unoccupied) seat
- 조수석 <助手席> - Passenger seat (car)
石 (Stone)
- 보석 <寶石> - Jewel
- 석탄 <石炭> - Coal
- 석유 <石油> - Oil, petroleum
- 암석 <岩石> - Rock
- 운석 <隕石> - Meteoric stone
- 화석 <化石> - Fossil
- 비석 <碑石> - Tombstone
- 석기시대 <石器時代> - The Stone Age
- 석탑 <石塔> - Stone pagoda
- 대리석 <大理石> - Marble
- 담석 <膽石> - Gallstone
夕 (Evening)
釋 (Release)
析 (Divide)
- 분석(하다) <分析> - Analyze
- 석사 <碩士> - Master