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食 (Eat)
- 음식 <飮食> - Food
- 식사 <食事> - Meal
- 과식 <過食> - Overeating
- 식비 <食費> - Food expenses
- 식도 <食事> - Esophagus
- 식탁 <食卓> - Dinner table
- 간식 <間食> - Snack (small meal)
- 야식 <夜食> - Midnight snack
- 식구 <食口> - Members of a family
- 식기세척기 <食器洗滌器> - Dish washer
- 식욕 <食慾> - Appetite, desire to eat
- 금식(하다) <禁食> - To fast
- 곡식 <穀食> - Cereal
- 식권 <食券> - Meal ticket
- 숙식 <宿食> - Accommodations and meals, board and lodging
- 식량 <食糧> - Foodstuffs
式 (Ceremony)
- 결혼식 <結婚式> - Wedding ceremony
- 약혼식 <約婚式> - Engagement ceremony
- 입학식 <入學式> - Entrance ceremony
- 졸업식 <卒業式> - Graduation ceremony
- 시상식 <施賞式> - Ceremony of awarding prizes
- 장례식 <葬禮式> - Funeral ceremony
植 (Plant)
式 (Method, way)
- 방식 <方式> - Form, method
- 신식 <新式> - Modern, a new style, a new method
- 구식 <舊式> - Old style
- 공식 <公式> - Formal, Official/ Formula(math)
- 공식적으로 - Formally, Officially
- 비공식 < 非公式 > - Unofficial
- 비공식적으로 - Unofficially, off the record
- 미식축구(美式蹴球) - American football
識 (Knowledge)
- 상식 <常識> - Common sense
- 무식(하다) <無識> - Ignorant
- 유식(하다) <有識> - Intelligent
- 박식(하다) <博識> - Wide(extensive) knowledge