From Korean Wiki Project
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- 서울역 - Seoul Station
- 강남역 - Kang_nam Station
- 지하철역 <地下鐵驛> - Subway station
- 종착역 <終着驛> - A terminal station
- 출발역 <出發驛> - A starting station
- 도착역 <到着驛> - An arrival station
- 역전 <驛前> - The front of the station
- 역장 <驛長> - A stationmaster
- 역사 <驛舍> - A station building
- 환승역 <換乘驛> - A transfer station
域 (Area)
譯 (Translate)
歷 (Past)
- 역사 <歷史> - History