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- 우산 <雨傘> - An umbrella
- 폭우 <暴雨> - A pouring, heavy rain
- 우박 <雨雹> - Hail
- 호우주의보 <豪雨注意報> - Torrential(heavy) rain warning
- 집중호우 <集中豪雨> - A localized torrential downpour
- 강우량 <降雨量> - Rainfall
- 유성우 <流星雨> - A meteoric shower
- 열대우림 <熱帶雨林> - A tropical rain forest
- 우비 <雨備> - A rain outfit
- 기우제 <祈雨祭> - A shamanist service to pray for rain
右 (Right)
宇 (House)
- 우주 <宇宙> - The universe
郵 (Mail)
- 우표 <郵票> - (postage) stamp
- 우체국 <郵遞局> - Post office
- 우체부, 집배원 <郵遞夫, 集配員> - Mailman
- 우체통 <郵遞筒> - Mailbox
- 우편 <郵便> - mail service
- 우편번호 <郵便番號> - Zip code
牛 (Cow)
優 (Superior, excellent)
- 우승(하다) <優勝> - Victory, win
- 우수(하다) <優秀> - Superior
- 우열 <優劣> - Superiority and inferiority
- 우대(하다) <優待> - Give preferential treatment to
- 우아하다 <優雅> - Elegant
- 배우 <俳優> - Actor, actress
- 성우 <聲優> - Radio performer
愚 (Foolish)
遇 (Come across)
- 경우 <境遇> - Circumstance, case