Needs translation into Korean before putting it onto the main page:
좋은 Korean wiki를 만들기 위해, 우리는 먼저 좋은 한국인 편집자들이 필요합니다. 이 wiki에 기여할 수 있는 많은 방법들이 있습니다. 특히 빠른 조치가 필요한 부분이 있으니, 이곳을 the community portal 참고하시고, 일반적인 참여를 원하시면, 아래의 항목들을 참고하시기 바랍니다.
혹시 아래 항목들외에 참여하실만한 아이디어가 있으시면, 새로운 목차를 만드시기 바랍니다. 아래의 내용은 다만 지침서일뿐이며, 우리가 미처 생각하지 못한 부분들이 분명히 많을 것이라 생각합니다.
Adding Examples
많은 한국어책들의 문제점은 자연스럽지 않은 문장, 또는 대부분의 한국인들이 실제로 사용하지 않는 문장을 쓴다는 것입니다. 하지만 이 싸이트는 "진짜 한국어"를 가르치기 위해 노력하며, 오직 본토 한국인들만이 예문을 만들기를 바랍니다.
- We need sentences for various sections, including 문법, 속담, 속어(slang). For a list of pages that need more sentence examples, see the section: incomplete examples.
- The 한자 section needs many more examples, visit any page on the Chinese roots page and add words.
- Also remove any words that be outdated and not used anymore (if you see any).
Do you have a camera that takes high quality pictures?
- We need pictures that are beneficial to learning Korean or measuring one's ability in Korean. It can be anything, from traffic signs, to subway signs, to anything that can go on the vocabulary pages.
- Some of the pictures on this website were taken on a camera phone, if you have a higher quality one, upload a new version of that image. See the category camera phone images to see which pictures need to be replaced with a higher quality image.
- We need pictures of 한자 in use for our hanja vocabulary pages. If you see anything with hanja in use, please take a picture of it and upload it.
For examples see: Images and photos
Audio and recording
Do you have a digital audio recorder or any device that can record audio? We are looking for people to:
- Record telephone messages, for example check this page: Phone and calling
- Record phone calls while ordering delivery (native speaker preferred). Of course before uploading, please edit out your real address and credit card number if you used one while order. See: Ordering delivery
- Record unique subway announcements, to see which ones are already up see: Subway announcements.
- Record any announcements from the bus.
- Record any kind of announcement in public that many people might hear on a daily basis and would benefit learners of Korean (i.e. at the ATM machine, see this example).
- Some of the audio on this site needs the background noise filtered out (i.e. subway announcements), if you know how to do this, please contact Bluesoju.
Are you from outside of Seoul?
- We need help on our 사투리 section! Currently the pages are unorganized because we need help knowing if:
- the words on the page are correct
- they are unique to a certain region (for example it's used mostly 경상남도 but not 경상북도).
- if it's becoming outdated or only used my older people.
- We also need audio recordings of certain phrases so people can hear the difference in dialects.
Artist or graphic designer
- Are you an artist or graphic designer? We need custom pictures for the vocabulary section. Many vocabulary textbooks come with pictures, so we'd like something similar for our pages, i.e. a human body label in Korean.
- Create anything that might make this website look more aesthetically pleasing.
- (example picture coming soon)
- We need people to post the lyrics for the latest popular songs in the music section.
- Introduce this site to other Korean people on blogs, message boards(forums) and even in person! We need more native speakers for this project.