From Korean Wiki Project
(Redirected from 뭐)
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- What
- Something
As a question
Depending on the intonation, 머엇 and 뭐 can mean either 'what' or 'something.' If the sentence starts with a high pitch and ends with a downward intonation, then it is an interrogative pronoun meaning 'What ... ?' However if the rising intonation comes at the end, it is a indefinite pronoun meaning 'something.' See the examples below:
Sentence | Intonation | Audio | Meaning |
(need sentence) | Up and then down | (insert audio) | |
(need sentence) | Gradually rising | (insert audio) |
Used in Declarative Sentences
When 머엇 and 뭐 are used in declarative sentences it is a indefinite pronoun meaning 'something.'
- 무엇 is usually used in more formal situations and isn't colloquial.
- 무엇이 is 무엇 plus the subject marker 이.
- 무엇을 is 무엇 plus the object marker 을.
- 뭐 is the contracted version version of 무엇 and is used much more frequently in colloquial speach. It is oftened pronounced as 모 or 머 and also often spelled that way in informal usage, such as text messaging and instant messaging (with friends).
- 뭐가 is 뭐 plus the subject marker 가
- 뭘 is a contraction of 뭐를, which is 뭐 plus the object marker 를.
- 뭐 is sometimes used as a filler for when someone is thinking of what to say.
Sentence examples
As an interrogative pronoun:
Korean | English | Notes |
지금 뭐 해요? | What are you doing right now? | |
뭘 봐? | What are you looking at? | |
요즘 뭐 공부해요? | What have you been studying lately? | |
뭐 먹고싶어? | What do you want to eat? | |
A: "Isn't that guy hot?" B:"What's hot about him?!" |
A: "그 남자 멋있지 않니?" B:"뭐가 멋있어?!" |
As an indefinite pronoun
Korean | English | Notes |
뭐 좀 먹어 | Eat something | 좀 just acts like a filler to make the sentence flow better. |
뭐 하나 물어 봐도 돼요? | Is it ok if I ask you something? / Do you mind if I ask you something? |
As a filler
Korean | English | Notes |
Common phases
Common phrases using 무엇 or 뭐.
- 뭐야