일이 많으면 근심도 많다
From Korean Wiki Project
Literal Meaning
If there is a lot of work, there is also a lot of worries.
Used to explain that good fortune comes with a price. The more work one does; the more money one makes. However, it also means more worries. Other words can be substituted for 일. See the following examples:
재산이 많으면 근심도 많다. The more possessions, the more worries.
아들이 많으면 근심도 많다. The more sons, the more worries.
Korean Equivalent
해야 할 일이 많으면 많을 수록 그로 인한 근심도 따라서 많아진다는 뜻.
English Equivalent
The more work, the more worries.