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- 가족 <家族> - the people in a family, blood relatives
- 가정 <家庭> - a home, family (as a group), household
- 혈족 <血族> - kinship, relation by blood
- 친척 <親戚> - a relative
- 가장 <家長> - the head of a family
- 집 - house, a euphemism for family or home.
- 댁 - (polite) house, a eupehemism for family or home.
Immediate Family
- 부모님 <父母-> - parents (님 is an honorific suffix)
- 아버지 (formal) / 아빠 (informal) - father/dad
- 아머니 (formal) / 엄마 (informal) - mother/mom
- 부부 <夫婦> - married couple
- 배우자 - (formal) spouse, husband and wife
- 남편 <男便> - (formal) husband
- 신랑 <新郞> - husband(friendly). This means a new husband, but wives use it to affectionately refer to their husbands.
- 바깥양반 - From Josen Dynasty's house, husband lives outside and wife lives inside.
- 아내 - (formal) wife
- 신부 - New or young wife
- 마누라 - Slang, woman doesn't like because she believes it's a little bit dishonorable. From skin ship, husband and wife will lie to each other.
- 안사람 - (archaic) From Josen Dynasty's house
- 집사람 - wife, woman of the house (disliked by some women these days).
- 와이프 - From the English word 'wife.'
- 형제자매 <兄弟姉妹> / 형제 <兄弟> - Siblings, brothers and sisters
- 형 <兄> - Older Brother (for a boy) But some generation like 40s and 50s, when they're in University, they call 형 regardless of gender. Origin is Public Servant of Goguryo, one of 3 kingdom. In a tight organization, like street gangs, men refer to their senior men with this term, usually with 님 on the end.
- 오빠 - Older Brother (used by females). Also, what girls call their boyfriends (only if they're older.) When you say this to 아저씨 or 할아버지, they'll be very happy because it means the girl is flirting with them.
- 누나 - Older Sister (used by males). What boys call their older girlfriends. Tell 아줌마 or 할머니 this. They will be more friendly.
- 언니 - Older Sister (used by females). This is preferrable to 아가씨 for strangers because it is more friendly, but only if you're a woman.
- 동생 <同生> - Younger sibling
- 아우 - (somewhat archaic) Boy's younger brother. There is a joke about this word. Wolves at night call out "아우! 아우!" and then the other wolves call back "형! 형!"
- 아들 - Son
- 아들내미
- 딸 - Daughter
- 딸내미
- Negative ways to refer to your own kids when they are bad:
- 녀석
- 자식
- 이것이
- Misc. ways to refer to kids
- 아기
- 아가
- 처부모 <妻父母> Wife's family / 시부모 <媤父母> Husband's family - Parents-in-law
- 장인 <丈人> Wife's/ 시아버지 Husband's- Father-in-law
- 장인어른 is how you usually say it.
- Women can call their father-in-law 아버님
- 장모 <丈母> Wife's/ 시어머니 Husband's- Mother-in-law
- 장모님
- You can call your mother-in-law 어머님 whether you are male or female.
- 사위, (your last name)사방 - Son-in-law
- 사위 will call his wife's family 처부모, 장인/장모
- Man's marriage was 장가 in Josen Dynasty. To get married is 장가가다. That's something to do with 장인/장모
- 며느리 - Daughter-in-law
- 며느리 will call her husband's family 시부모, 시아버지/시어머니.
- Woman's marriage was 시집. That's something to do with 시부모, 시아버지/시어머니
- 처남 <妻男> wife's brother
- 큰처남 is wife's older brother, 작은처남 is wife's younger brother.
- 처제 is wife's youger sister(normally), 처형 is wife's older sister.
- You will hear simply 형 or 누나 in practice.
- 매부 <妹夫> is sister's husband. (from a brother's perspective)
- 매형 is older sister's husband. (from a brother's perspective
- 매제 is younger siter's husband. (from a brother's perspective)
- 형부 is older sister's husband. (from a sister's perspective)
- 시숙 <媤叔> is husband's brother (normally older).
- 시동생 is younger brother.
- 형수 <兄嫂> is man's older brother's wife.
- 계수 <季嫂> is man's younger brother's wife. Similar 제수
- Koreans enjoy joke each other about 형수/제수. Though they are similar age's friend, they argue friend's wife called 제수. That is to say, my friend is my younger brother, I'm 형님.
- 동서 <同壻> Brothers' wives will call each other. (Generally) From original meaning, just living togeter or one family (agricultural society). So sisters' husband can use this, but they prefer 서방.
- As a slang, 구멍동서 is not family relationship but sharing the same sex partner.
- 시누이 is husband's sister. 올케 is brother's wife.
- Josen dynasty is sexually unequal society, so 시집 살이 isn't nice, 시누이 and 올케 isn't easy. So there's some story, 혼내는 시어머니보다 말리는 시누이가 얄밉다. (시누이 is more annoying than angry 시어머니.)
Extended Family
- 조부모 <祖父母> - Grandparents
- 할아버지 - Grandfather (father's father)
- 할머니 - Grandmother (father's mother)
- 외할아버지 - Grandfather (mother's father)
- 외할머니 - Grandmother (mother's mother)
- 증조할아버지 - Great grandfather (grandfather's father)
- 증조할머니 - Great grandmother (grandfather's mother)
- 사촌 <四寸> - Cousin
- 사촌언니 - an elder female cousin (for a girl)
- 사촌누나 - an elder female cousin (for a boy)
- 사촌오빠 - an elder male cousion (for a girl)
- 사촌형 - an elder male cousion (for a boy)
- 사촌동생 - a younger cousin (for a boy/girl)
- 고촌사촌 - father's brother's son/daughter
- 이촌사촌 - mother's brother's son/daughter
- 삼촌 <三寸> - Uncle
- 큰아버지 / 백부 <伯父> - Uncle (father's older brother)
- 작은아버지 / 숙부 <叔父> - Uncle (father's younger brother)
- 아주버니 - Husband's older brother
- 고모 <姑母> - Aunt (father's sister)
- 이모 <姨母> - Aunt (mother's sister)
- 숙모 <叔母> / 작은어머니 - Aunt (father's younger brother's wife)
- 백모 <伯母> - Aunt (father's older brother's wife)
- 고모부 <姑母夫> - Uncle (father's sister's husband)
- 이모부 <姨母夫> - Uncle (mother's sister's husband)
- 조카 - Nephew
- 조카딸 / 질녀 <姪女> - Niece
- 손자 <孫子> - Grandson
- 손녀 <孫女> - Granddaughter