More examples
More examples for section 3.
Word |
바가지 (a rip off)
바보 (fool,idiot)
바지 (pants)
배 (pear, ship, abdomen)
배우 (actor/actress)
배우다 (to learn)
버리다 (to throw away)
버스 (bus)
베개 (pillow)
베다 (to lay one´s head on, to cut)
보내다 (to send)
보다 (to see, to look, to watch)
보라 (purple)
보리 (barley)
부모 (parents)
부자 (rich person)
비 (rain)
비자 (visa)
사고 (accident)
서다 (to stand, to stop)
서비스 (service)
새다 (to leak out, to dawn)
새우 (shrimp)
세다 (to count, to strong)
세로 (length,height)
세모 (triangular)
세수 (face washing)
세제 (cleaning material)
소개 (introduction)
수도 (capital city)
시다 (to be sour)
아내 (wife)
아래 (the bottom)
아주 (very)
아주머니 (middle age woman)
애기 (baby)
어디 (where)
어리다 (to be very young)
오래 (for a long time)
오리 (duck)
우리 (we)
우주 (universe)
이사 (moving [house])
이자 (interest [money])
자기 (honey,darling or oneself )
자주 (often)
주머니 (pocket)
주소 (address)
주스 (juice)
조개 (shellfish)
저자 (author)
제주도 (Jeju, an island in Korea)
지다 (to lose)
지구 (earth)
Characters are written in a certain stroke order. Korean letters are written left to right, top to bottom.
 ㅅ has 2 strokes.
 ㅂ has 4 strokes.
 Do not try to write this like a backwards 5.
 ㅈ has two styles, here is one way to write it.
 Here is another way ㅈ is written.
 Written like ㅏ then ㅣ

 Written like ㅓ then ㅣ

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