House and living
From Korean Wiki Project
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People in bigger cities, especially Seoul, tend to live in apartment complexes. So these vocabulary words apply to both living in a house and an apartment complex.
- 자취(하다) <自炊> - self boarding, cooking for oneself, to cook for oneself.
- 집들이 - housewarming party
- 계단 <階段> - stairs
- 엘리베이터 / 승강기 <昇降機> - elevator
- 관리실 / 경비실 <警備室> - guardhouse, the room where a security of the apartment complex stays
- 주차장 <駐車場> - parking lot
- 옥상 <屋上> - roof, rooftop
- 어린이집 - day care center
- 우편함 <郵便函> - mailbox
- 초인종 <招人鐘> - doorbell
- Sino Korean number + 층 - (number) floor
- 일층 - first floor
- 이층 - second floor
- 삼층 - third floor
- 집 - House
- 안방 <-房> - ?
- 방 - room
- 화장실 <化粧室> - bathroom
- 부엌 - kitchen
- 거실 <居室> - living room
- 베란다 - veranda
- 현관 <玄關> - door steps (on the inside) where people take off their shoes
- 다락방 - attic
- 계단 - staircase
- 뒷마당 - backyard
- 이중문 <二重門> - double doors
- 현관문 구명 - key hole
- 발코니 - balcony
- 신발 매트 - doormat
- 가족실 <家族室> - den
Type of House
- 아파트 - apartment
- 주택 - house
- 원룸 - efficiency studio
- 오피스텔 - studio
- 원룸 (one room) - a small studio apartment which consists of only one room.
- 빌라 - villa (different than the standard meaning of villa -- need description!)
- 배관공 - plumber
- 목수 - carpenter
- 정원사 - gardener
- 열쇠공 - locksmith
- 부동산업자 - real Estate Agent
- 전기 기술자 - electrician
- 페인트공 - painter
- 파출부 - housekeeper
- 임대료 - rent (fee)
- 관리비 <管理費> - management expenses
- 전기세/전기료 <前記-> - electric bill
- 수도세 <水道-> - water bill
- 가스비 - gas bill
- 전화세 - phone bill
- 재산세 - property tax
- 인터넷요금 - internet bill
- 연체료 <延滯料> - late fee
- 기타 - other, miscellaneous
- 평 - a unit of measurement in Korea corresponding to 3.3058 square meters. It is used most often in referring to the sizes of rooms or buildings.
- 보증금 <保證金> - deposit money
- 월세 <月貰> - monthly payment
- 전세 <傳貰> - a type of system in Korea that allows the person to live rent free if the person puts a big deposit down, which they will get back at the end of the contract.
- 코딱지만한 방 - a tiny room. Literally means a room as small as a booger.