House and living
From Korean Wiki Project
- 자취(自炊)하다 - Self boarding, cooking for oneself, to cook for oneself.
- 집들이 - Housewarming party
- 집 - House
- 안방<―房> - ?
- 방 - Room
- 화장실 - Bathroom
- 부엌 - Kitchen
- 거실 -
- 베란다 -
- 현관-
- 설거지(하다) - Dish washing, to do the dishes
- 청소(하다) - cleaning, to clean
- 임대료 - Rent (fee)
- 관리비 <管理費> - Management expenses
- 전기세 - Electric(bill)
- 수도세 <水道> - Water (bill)
- 가스비 -
- 납기내 - ?
- 연체료 - Unpaid debt(?)
- 기타 - Other, miscellaneous
- 평 - a unit of measurement in Korea corresponding to 3.3058 square meters. It is used most often in referring to the sizes of rooms or buildings.