From Korean Wiki Project
- 가족 - Family
- 혈족 - Kinship, blood-relationship
- 일족 - All one's family and relatives
- 가장 (家長) - The head of a family
Immediate Family
- 아버지/아빠 - Father
- 아머니/엄마 - Mother
- 부부 - Spouse
- 형 - Elder Brother (for a boy)
- 오빠 - Elder Brother (for a girl)
- 누나 - Elder Sister (for a boy)
- 언니 - Elder Sister (for a girl)
- 남동생 - Younger Brother
- 여동생 - Younger Sister
- 아들 - Son
- 딸 - Daughter
Extended Family
- 할아버지 - Grandfather
- 할머니 - Grandmother
- 사촌 - Cousin
- 삼촌 - Uncle
- 큰아버지 - Uncle (father's older brother)
- 작은아버지 - Uncle (father's younger brother)
- 고모 - Aunt (father's sister)
- 이모 - Aunt (mother's sister)
- 고모부 - Uncle (father's sister's husband)
- 이모부 - Uncle (mother's sister's husband)