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Revision as of 03:11, 18 December 2009 by DigitalSoju (Talk | contribs)
- 가족<家族> - family
- 혈족 <血族> - kinship, relation by blood
- 친척 <親戚> - a relative
- 가장 <家長> - the head of a family
Immediate Family
- 부모님 <父母―> - parents (님 is an honorific suffix)
- 아버지 (formal) / 아빠 (informal) - father/dad
- 아머니 (formal) / 엄마 (informal) - mother/mom
- 부부 <夫婦> / 배우자 - spouse, husband and wife
- 남편 <男便> - husband
- 아내 - wife
- 형제자매 <兄弟姉妹> / 형제 <兄弟> - Siblings, brothers and sisters
- 형 <兄> - Older Brother (for a boy)
- 오빠 - Older Brother (used by females)
- 누나 - Older Sister (used by males)
- 언니 - Older Sister (used by females)
- 동생 <同生> - Younger sibling
- 아들 - Son
- 딸 - Daughter
- 처부모 / 시부모 - Parents-in-law
- 장인 / 시아버지 - Father-in-law:
- 장모 / 시어머니 - Mother-in-law
- 사위 - Son-in-law
- 며느리 - Daughter-in-law
- 처남 / 매부 / 시숙 - Brother-in-law
- 형수 / 계수 / 동서 - Sister-in-law
Extended Family
- 조부모 <祖父母> - Grandparents
- 할아버지 - Grandfather (father's father)
- 할머니 - Grandmother (father's mother)
- 외할아버지 - Grandfather (mother's father)
- 외할머니 - Grandmother (mother's mother)
- 증조할아버지 - Great grandfather (grandfather's father)
- 증조할머니 - Great grandmother (grandfather's mother)
- 사촌 <四寸> - Cousin
- 사촌언니 - an elder female cousin (for a girl)
- 사촌누나 - an elder female cousin (for a boy)
- 사촌오빠 - an elder male cousion (for a girl)
- 사촌형 - an elder male cousion (for a boy)
- 사촌동생 - a younger cousin (for a boy/girl)
- 고촌사촌 - father's brother's son/daughter
- 이촌사촌 - mother's brother's son/daughter
- 삼촌 <三寸> - Uncle
- 큰아버지 / 백부 <伯父> - Uncle (father's older brother)
- 작은아버지 / 숙부 <叔父> - Uncle (father's younger brother)
- 아주버니 - Husband's older brother
- 고모 <姑母> - Aunt (father's sister)
- 이모 <姨母> - Aunt (mother's sister)
- 숙모 <叔母> / 작은어머니 - Aunt (father's younger brother's wife)
- 백모 <伯母> - Aunt (father's older brother's wife)
- 고모부 <姑母夫> - Uncle (father's sister's husband)
- 이모부 <姨母夫> - Uncle (mother's sister's husband)
- 조카 - Nephew
- 조카딸 / 질녀 <姪女> - Niece
- 손자 <孫子> - Grandson
- 손녀 <孫女> - Granddaughter