Body parts
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Revision as of 07:58, 28 September 2009 by DigitalSoju (Talk | contribs)
Body parts and the actions of our bodies.
- 털 – Hair
- 피 – Blood
- 피부 – Skin
- 몸 - Body
- 뼈 - Bone
- 근육 - Muscle
- 땀 - Sweat
- 침 - Spit, saliva
- 침 뱉다 - To spit
- 목 - Neck, throat
- 인체 - Human body (scientific term)
- 암내 - Body odor, specifically from the armpits
- ? - scar
- 점 - mole
- - pimple
- 머리카락 - Hair (on the head)
- 머리 - Head, hair
- 귀 – Ear
- 눈 – Eyes
- 쌍꺼풀 - Double eyelids
- 얼굴 – Face
- 입 – Mouth
- 입술 - Lip
- 코 – Nose
- 콧구멍 – Nostril
- 이마 - Forehead
- 눈썹 - Eyebrow
- 속눈썹 - Eyelash
- 이 - Tooth, teeth
- 이빨 - Tooth, teeth (technically supposed to be used for animals only, but people still use it for humans)
- 치아 <齒牙> - Tooth, teeth (formal)
- 사랑니 - Wisdom (literally Love) teeth
- 잇몸 - Gums
- 혀 - Tongue
- 볼 - Cheek
- 뺨 - Cheek
- 턱 - Chin
- 구레나룻 - Sideburns
- 수염 - Facial hair
- 콧수염 - Moustache
Upper body
- 배 – Stomach
- 가슴 - Chest, the breast, the heart
- 빼꼽 - Belly button
- 옆구리 - Ribs, Side
- 똥배 - Potbelly
Arms and hands
- 손 - Hand
- 손가락 - Finger
- 엄지(손가락) - Thumb
- 검지(손가락) - Index finger
- 중지(손가락) - Middle finger
- 약지(손가락) - Ring finger
- 새끼손가락 - Little finger
- 팔 - Arm
- 손목 - Wrist
- 손바닥 - Palm
- 손톱 - Nail
- 오른손 - Right hand
- 왼손 - Left Hand
- 손등 - Back of he hand
- 주먹 - Fist
- 팔꿈치 - Elbow
Lower body
- 엉덩이 - Buttocks
- 궁댕이
- 허리 - Waist, lower back
- 불알 – Testicles
- 고추 - Penis (cute slang)
- 성기 - Genitalia
- 생식기 - Sexual organs
- 항문 - Anus
- 똥구멍 - Anus (informal)
Legs and feet
- 다리 - Leg
- 허벅지 - Thigh
- 무릎 - Knee
- 발 - Feet
- 외른발 - Left food
- 오른발 - Right food
- 발목 - Ankle
- 발가락 - Toe
- 발톱 - toenail (claw for animals)
- 발꿈치(뒤꿈치/발뒤꿈치) - Heel
- 발냄새 - Foot odor
- 아킬레스 건 - Achilles tendon
Internal organs
- 심장 - Heart
- 뇌 - Brain
- 간 - Liver
- 위 - Stomach
- 폐 - Lungs
- 신장 - Kidneys
- 소장 - Small intestine
- 대장 - Large intestine
- 맹장 - Appendix
- bend (knees)
- bend over
- bite
- bleed
- blink
- blow your nose
- Breathe
- brush/comb your hair
- burp
- close your eyes
- comb our hair
- cross legs
- fart
- flex (muscles)
- Laugh
- nod (head)
- open your eyes
- pick your nose
- plug your ears
- relax (muscles)
- scratch
- shake (head)
- Smile
- sneeze
- squeeze (with hands)
- tense up
- kiss
- whisper
- look
- stare
- yell
- speak
- sweat
- turn red